Celebrate Shrovetide at Athelhampton.
Shrovetide is now almost entirely forgotten in England. Lasting from Candlemas until Lent, strictly speaking it was a time for reflection on your sins in the lead up to Lent (the 40 days in which you REALLY reflect on your sins).
Come and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the Tudor festival of Shrovetide this Weekend at Athelhampton! Meet people from all walks of Tudor life, from the gentlefolk to the servants, and learn what life was like in Elizabethan times, and what it was like to be part of a Catholic family in Protestant England. Discover strange old customs, try Tudor Pottage and Gingerbread, have a go at period dances, learn to play games, examine clothing, and try your hand at writing with a quill. Open 10-4.30pm, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th February. Tickets available at www.athelhampton.com